

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Here we go {50 days}

Me, Vancouver and my hubby

Hello, I’m Kiri but that’s not my name, it has been around ever since I can remember and most people don’t know me by my full name (that’s another story)

I’m thrilled to start ‘The Tiny Adventures of Kiri’ my lifestyle blog, a place where I’ll be posting things that I enjoy, 50 days before my husband and I leave this country to Canada. Actually today is day 50. Hopefully I’ll continue posting in Vancouver. I’m most likely to post 3 to 4 times a week fingers crossed.

This is not my first blog and surely won’t be the last, but I don’t know why I’m kind of nervous about this one, I guess it’s the most “serious” blog I’ve had.

I’ll probably cover some other topics I fancy, such as Photography, Traveling, Marketing (social media, advertising , PR and stuff) and Style. I’m also open to feedback, so if you want me to write about something or ask me anything you should totally go for it in the comments bellow.

Don’t forget to add this blog to your RSS feed. Hope you keep reading :)
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